Pages %: 0.101 Number of Days: 428 Comic Style: PNG, JPEG Language: English Country: Various places Description: Eclectic comics about go and other boardgames, Shakespeare, Watchmen, the Bench, Fight Club, ...
Pages %: 0.005 Number of Days: 360 Comic Style: Pseudo-Manga Comic Content: Talking Animals, Aliens, Demons, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic Language: English Description: EtC is set in a "modern day alternate world" or somesuch. There's lots of all the basics: Aliens, wizards, secret organizations, and interpersonal relations. It started out as a humor orientated comic-strip layout; it is now a fairly plot/drama orientated comic-book layout.
There are also a couple of other partial comics on the site... Things I update when I need a break from EtC.